Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting Out Of The Cold

The weather has been all over the place lately - there could be something to this whole "Global Warming" thing. Anyway, now that we’re in the midst of our first true cold snap of the year (-20), the griping has begun and suddenly everyone is a comedian: “Cold enough for ya?”

For the record: no…I’m only bundled up like this to avoid being asked the question: “aren’t ya cold?”

…And once again we’re reminded that we live in Atlantic Canada. My solution: book a trip to go south; cold times like this remind me why Fidel built all those resorts in the first place.

Over the weekend, The Wife and I booked our first-ever winter-escape. I’ve been to Florida once – it rained most of the time – but that was with my parents while I was still in High School. So, this will be the first time, as an adult, I get to escape the snow, wind and frost-bite of New Brunswick, and embrace the sun, sand and unlimited free booze that all-inclusive resorts have to offer. I’m pretty excited.

There was a decision to make when we booked this trip, though: where should we go? The answer varied depending on who we asked. Some are staunch Dominican Republic ambassadors, while others say they prefer Cuba. (We had narrowed our choice down to the two…perhaps Jamaica or other places in the Caribbean will come in the future.) The one argument that seemed to pop up the most was over food.

Nearly everyone I’ve talked to (who has been to both destinations) has told me that the food is better in the DR. My response: “I’m not going for the food.” And neither is any one else. Fact is: the food is merely a secondary pleasure in a vacation such as this. I mean, if the food is great, that’s a bonus, but when you’re on the beach drinking a Mojito (I don’t even really know what that is) at 10am, the food is gonna taste pretty damn good…especially come Supper-time - pace yourself with those Mojitos. I mean, it’s the middle of winter and at this resort you’re surrounded by sun, sand, warmth and relaxation…I’m sold.

Besides, it’s my understanding you can tip with chewing gum…only Kevin McAllister could get away with that here.


We chose Cuba, by the way. We booked at Sears Travel, but there are various spots you could check out in the city if you’re thinking of taking a trip of your own. Check out a list here.

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