Monday, March 21, 2011

It's a Bird; It's a Plane...

So over the weekend the Man on the Moon fled his home planet of Krypton, as it was about to be destroyed, and crash landed on a farm in Kansas….

Wait…I’m confused.

So, over the weekend the moon got really big and bright. The end.

It’s kind of a less impressive story, I guess; unless the Moon can leap over tall buildings…

Anyway, the weekend was a beauty, which meant clear skies on Saturday night gave a full view of the biggest and brightest Full Moon in 18 years. I’d only ever witnessed a Super-Moon once before: but it involved the entire right side of a school bus and a passing lane…

Actually, I hadn’t heard anything about it until it was brought to my attention on twitter. The #supermoon hashtag (a twitter term that has nothing to do with drugs…that I know of) led me to google in order to understand what everyone was talking about.

Intrigued, I stepped outside, looked up at the big bright orb in the sky - which made even the darkest of night seem like dusk - and thought to myself: I should probably shave. Then I walked back inside and fell asleep to the TV. I woke up in the woods shirtless, with my pants all ripped to shreds.

So, I’m either The Incredible Hulk… or I tried to mow the lawn while sleepwalking.*

I will say, though, it was quite a sight to see, especially in the early part of the evening, or morning, when it appeared to be the biggest. And it sure beat the hell out of any meteor shower...they never live up to their name.

By the way, I’ll be super-impressed if, in 18 years, the moon looks like this:

It's a bird; it's a plane; it's...the moon, stupid.


*the werewolf thing was just too obvious

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