Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If Irene Had a Few Drinks, She'd Be a...


Now THAT was a wind-storm! We did well at Chez Crash: held onto power til about 11:30 last night...2 minutes more and we'd have finished that episode of The Shield...


I love that show (The Shield) by the way, and I have more on Hurricane Irene (and my "coverage" of her) below**...but since I brought up TV:

Last weekend (Aug.20th), I made my Television debut in the one-hour TV movie Delivrance. I had a supporting role as a Private in the King’s Army, tasked with following a conspirator after a group of Acadians break out of Fort Beausejour. It was set in 1756.

If you caught it, I thank you for tuning in. Does TV really add 10lbs? It was a lot of fun to be a part of, and I hope to do more work like it in the future.

Speaking of the future, here’s a photo taken on set of Delivrance which depicts my character as though he were a 1970’s police officer who went back in time to join the red Coats:

Red Coat
Taken by Matt Carter

It was kind of a trip to see myself on TV, so I know exactly how Andy Brown might be feeling...even though he, himself won’t be appearing on TV.

This Thursday night, Andy’s song “Ashes” will be featured in the show Rookie Blue. Pretty cool stuff!


*This posts's title is a game I play with my brother in law: Take a word (ie: Hurricane)and use clever setups to change one of the syllables. Vowel sounds must remain intact.

**As I watched some coverage of Hurricane Irene and her joyride along the East coast this past weekend, I eventually lost count of the reporters who stood near (or in) the ocean to report on the storm. I figured I’d get in on the action, too:


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